May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

It feels ghoulish to speculate about this, but people are gaming out these campaigns because of Biden's age and health. He's 79! Fetterman was just hospitalized for a stroke at 52.

Biden could die in office, or have to resign for health reasons, or he could chose not to run again for health reasons, or he could decide not to run again because he is politically toast and attribute it to age or health, or he could run again even though he clearly wasn't healthy enough to serve & justifiably be primaried (look at Feinstein and RBG: old, powerful people often can't read the writing on the wall about their own health), or a Democrat could run against him for some other reason in which case no matter what Biden's age and health would be the #1 implicit campaign issue, even if Biden were still up to snuff & blew the challenger out of the water.

Kamala Harris remains the overwhelmingly most likely nominee if it isn't Biden, alas. Let's hope he keeps taking his Metamucil.

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I work for a big company in an engineering role and we just got an announcement about a hiring freeze “to see what the economy does in the next quarter.” This is coming off of having a dozen open positions in very close proximity to me, and far more under my VP. Furthermore, I was just reading a post on Hacker News about someone who had a job offer rescinded due to worsening economic outlook... Job prospects aren’t going to be so rosy by the end of the year, at least in the high paying pajama class world.

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“Zero political acumen” he says abt a woman who is currently VP. I know Kamala-hating is fashionable (like Biden-hating) but that was esp trite. Otherwise, good piece ;)

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Biden winning in 2020, spared Democrats from nominating a candidate further to the left. Beating Trump trumped ideology. I’m not sure progressives will be so patient in 2024.

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I guess I feel like the fact the Biden appears to be the best hope for 2024 does not say anything great about our party.

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