Undocumented worker vs illegal alien is one of the silliest of the many silly woke issues out there(although alien has defiinitely changed meanings and I would say illegal entrant). First, it highlights that the person has broken the law not once but twice, by illegally crossing the border and by working. And second, if we're going to maintain the fiction that a person can't be called illegal, we need a euphemism for rapists, murderers etc. to be consistent.

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And if we didn’t have those illegal workers, we’d be up a creek!

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Can we get more context around the early mistakes Biden made regarding border policy? Is the contention that he too quickly reversed course or that some of Trump’s border policies were good? I just want to better understand.

Illegal immigration is personally a really tough issue for me because my logical brain knows we can’t let everybody in and that cities shouldn’t have to take on the expense of caring for a surge of humanity showing up at their doorsteps. On the other hand, my stereotypical bleeding heart has compassion for these people looking for a better life in a land of opportunity like the US.

Is there a way forward to an illegal immigration policy that limits the flow of migrants and asylum claims but still treats the actual migrants with dignity and compassion.

Sorry for the earnestness!

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I’d encourage you to channel your instincts into support for LEGAL immigration. The US definitely should increase levels of legal immigration IMO (and assume you feel similar) but the government needs to make the process more efficient for the people we do let in.

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I absolutely do support increasing legal immigration and reforming the process so it is a lot more efficient. Where I get somewhat nervous with the expand legal immigration discourse though is I sometimes think that is code for "Let's only let in a bunch of engineers and doctors." FWIW, I absolutely think we should greatly increase high-skilled immigration and let in a lot more engineers and doctors to maintain and expand American dominance in these areas. Simultaneously, I think the value low-skilled immigrants (whether legal or illegal) is not always readily apparent. Obviously, we don't have the resources to let everyone in so I am not delusional but it's just an area where I wish all sides of the debate would take a step back and clearly list their priorities so we could work out a humane compromise. Ideally, that compromise would then get passed into law instead of getting axed at the last minute because problem mitigation is a liability for the opposition party.

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Loving the regular posts! Please keep it up.

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Katie Britt talked like a mom reading her kids a scary bedtime story.

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My first thought was the kindergarten teacher from Billy Madison!

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The only effective SOTU response was the one where Gov. Bill Clinton wished Ronald Regan happy birthday and then hosted a focus group / daytime talkshow with music by Genesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhvpN4SOTJw

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the "by the way — happy birthday, mr. president" is a nice touch

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It sounds made up but the State of the Union that year had concluded with the entire congress surprising Regan with a card that they'd all signed and singing "Happy Birthday."

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Mar 9·edited Mar 10

Biden has won some favor from me because he has surprisingly stuck up for Israel, though I hope that he is working assiduously behind the scenes to mitigate their more extreme actions. I am moved by loyalty to reciprocate and vote for him (and I hate Trump) but Democrats are just too crazy and the liberal agenda has been taking our culture in the wrong direction for decades.

Wokeness. School indoctrination. Anti law and order. (You can support sensible and balanced police reform and yet not criticize all police . And we don't need to eliminate positions, more, not fewer are needed. And prosecutors need to be opposed to crime).

Our culture in many ways is falling apart (free sex, marriage decline, unmarried parents) and, though liberal agendas brought us much good in the past (women's lib, gay lib, support for minorities), they have now gone too far because it's the only game they know, and a powerful correction has to be made.

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We aren’t going back.

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It's actually kind of surprising that one Donald J. Trump did not give the response, isn't it? How dare he be upstaged (or kitchenstaged) like that! As if there is or could be any party apparatus, any party at all, without his Orangefulness.

On the other hand, I guess giving the response, rather than the SOTU itself, is at its core a beta cuck move. Rolling over in submission and showing your belly, like a dog. Sad.

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if the economic issues really come down to high interest rates there's not much abiden can do there right? Beyond firing Powell...

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Good piece, but can we please stop stretching to find reasons why the economy is somehow not booming by all conventional standards? If Reagan could declare morning in America with interest rates, unemployment, and inflation all markedly worse than they are now, there's no reason Biden shouldn't be able to now. The basic principles of macroeconomics haven't changed.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Author

Interest rates in 1984 were a lot lower than in 1980 (in fact, that’s a specific brag in the Morning in America ad). Not so today, compared to 2020. I think Biden is right to argue that the economy is better than people say, but people have better reasons now than they did in 1984 to think their financial situation has gotten more difficult.

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My wife said she looked like a B movie actress in a horror flick. But she passes the MAGA Perfect Woman test :

In the kitchen? Check!

Barefoot? Almost certainly, check!

Pregnant? Maybe?! She had that healthy glow, but that may have been the bipolar 1 meds.

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I’ll defer to Jeff Mauer of the “I Might Be Wrong” Substack who described Britt as follows:

“At times, Britt seemed like a Tobias Fünke-level actor auditioning for the role of PTA Mom Who Just Dropped An Edible; other times, she seemed like someone telling a ghost story to a dog.”

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