Elon is a brilliant, awkward, emotionally damaged, lonely person. He’s impulsive and kind of a sad emotional shell. Anyway, all I care about is seeing a pic of your supper food! Sounds delicious! 🥘🧑‍🍳⏲️

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That pork chops and peaches recipe looks awesome. Can't wait to cook it on my propane grill next week.

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Same, except charcoal grill for me.. insert "Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power" meme here


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To think, if Elon Musk just added two more x’s to the logo he could have stolen your idea to make Twitter a haven for porn.

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Without the benefit of generous government programs and subsidies that have allowed Tesla and SpaceX to continue to function, X will be in for a rough time. It will be interesting to see how well it fares going forward.

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Honestly, I don't think we are even talking enough about how outside of terrible branding he also let a Q Anon troll that posted child exploitation photos back on Twitter this week, content moderation on Twitter is basically nonexistent now. Elon wanted to buy his own part of the internet and while he may be brilliant in some areas, his ego and inability to let other people manage what I assume is his favorite hobby (shitposting on the internet like an edge lord) will be the downfall of Twitter, X, Twixter or whatever nonsensical name he comes up with next. That is before we get into the lawsuits from former employees.

Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgwa7z/twitter-elon-musk-dom-lucre-child-sexual-abuse

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I think we all missed the most obvious reason for “x” as his rebranding default. Didn’t yall go through an edgy teenage edgelord phase where you obsessed about x as an identifier? Being Straight Edge and plastering X on your hands at punk shows? Rewriting your pseuds and emails and online names with Xs in them? Posting 420 and 69s in your AIM/MSN screen names, interspersed with xs?

And OF COURSE he’s using “asperger’s” to describe his autism- the defunct name for “high functioning autism” as defined by nazi collaborator Hans Aspberger *sigh*

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Wasn’t x.com the payments company he founded that got folded into PayPal? Maybe he’s just been sitting on the domain for a long time and wants to dust it off.

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