Let's say your roommate has been drinking for two weeks solid and wants you to call in an excuse to his boss. Don't think so.

The Democrats don't have to be codependent to the Republican jackassery.

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For a supposedly conservative party, the GOP has an impressive inability to take anything resembling responsibility for its own actions. Watching the careers of non-Trump republicans crash and burn repeatedly has been the one consistent pleasure of the Trump era.

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Since the basic post-Gingrich position is that government is useless, competency at governance is therefore unnecessary.

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I believe the Chris Rock term for this was “low expectation having motherfucker”.

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Mmmm, I take care of my kids.

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What do you want, a cookie?!?

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Oh my Jeebus thanks for writing this. Megan McCardle needs to read it.

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What goes around comes around.

Until this extreme Party First attitude ends we are in for deeper & deeper divide in this country.

I would offer that the inability (maybe unwillingness) to take responsibility runs very very deep in the entire political class.

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Really well laid out. I was torn abt Dems accepting McCarty ouster (reading Megan Mcardle takes on twitter). But this makes it all make sense

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His post-removal press conference was strangely captivating. When he started going off on the Republicans who turned on him my first reaction was "has he been drinking" and then my second reaction was "DRAG 'EM KEV".

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I agree completely with this article. But, weirdly, I think the opposite is true.

Republicans need to stop bailing out democrats as well.

If Biden and the democrats want to gorge themselves on spending and make inflation a far worse issue... let them. Change policies by winning elections.

When you engage in government shutdown fights, it shifts the focus away from the Democrats' poor policies and towards Republican infighting. Pass the bill, then when inflation skyrockets, the Democrats will be (correctly) blamed.

All the Republicans succeeded in doing is giving the democrats a way to blame the Republicans for the problems they are creating.

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I don’t think this works. The undisciplined spending that causes inflation doesn’t immediately cause inflation, it takes a while, probably at least until the election cycle. In the meantime a bunch of people get a bunch of stuff that they really like.

If the GOP was going to let the Democrats fall on their own fiscal sword, they kinda needed to have done it already. And in any case, the Democrats did this all on their own in early 2021 in a way that should have delivered an electoral landslide in 2022, and the GOP completely beefed it anyways. They do not appear to have learned anything since then.

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While in some ways the House situation is complicated, with many different factions in both parties jockeying for their various specific interests. In another way, it's incredibly simple: Kevin McCarthy was very bad at his job (or just didn't have his heart in it anymore) and was not skilled enough to survive.

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